Thursday, June 22, 2006

MOLTITOL IS EVIL and Running is kicking my ARSE!

I went to Tim's grandparents house for Fathers day and wound up having a Dumb and Dumber scene relived within my own body. I ate some sugar free jelly belly's that had maltitol in them that is basically a laxative.. horrible evil stuff. I lost 3 lbs and was VERY weak after that, had to take Monday off, couldn't even sit at the computer without getting tired. Yucko!

I biked Monday night (I was feeling better) and ran on Tuesday morning, then I was too exhausted Wednesday morning to go work out but then I went to PUMP IT UP for Sam's birthday party and jumped around with the kids and hoola hooped for awhile too. I went and ran again today but it was a TOUGH mile to run. I was really working it to get there. Eventually I made it. I was reading the couch to 5k today. I guess I should have started with that, but it takes 2 months. Not sure how long it will take me to get up to 5k but that's okay. I'll take my time.

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